How I Met Your Mother… My story

Back in 1998 I joined a site called RSVP.  It was relatively new dating site at the time, with only maybe 30k registered members.  Finding a loop hole in the registration / free emails, for a while I had taken advantage of the new sign up’s get 10 free emails.  Ironically got caught with once, which prompted me to get my first credit car.

Early on, I started conversing with a woman who sounded great, so we exchanged numbers and after talking a couple of times, decided to meet up dinner for dinner.  We could both tell there was no spark at all.  Around the same time, another woman had given me her email address, we emailed a few times, however the way the conversation was heading, it seemed like she was more interested in me as a possible guitarist in the band she was trying to put together than actually looking for love.  One of her early comments had put me off too, she “thought the age gap was a little to much for her”, she was 3 years older than I.  Eventually I just stopped responding to the emails.

The following year, I was involved in the Olympics.  In that year I met (via online sites) a couple of , let’s say, ‘interesting’ girls, nothing serious, just some very strange stories!

Then in 2001 on a Thursday night when I wasn’t seeing anyone, I got home a bit late on a Thursday night after trying to find some egg shakers in the city (long story) and decided to have a look on RSVP again.  The woman who I had emailed the year prior was still on the site and had been on the site that day.  As she had a hotmail account, I took a stab in the dark and added her to my MSN Messenger.  She was online, re-introduced myself, found out she was living a suburb away and was going to karaoke that night at her local R.S.L. Club with some friends.  And as she was heading out, she invited me (I later found out it was a put up or shut up invite).

Now that night, whilst I was chatting to her, I had my Father threatening to cut my internet access as I wasn’t coming to the table for dinner (I remember it was Tuna pasta!), begging and an explanation led to it not being turned off.

45 minutes later after getting the invite, I arrived at the club.  I signed up as a member as I was in the ‘local area’.  I walked in and saw the woman who I had just spoken to online wearing blue jeans, a white button up shirt, loose tie and bright red lip stick!  We introduced ourselves, I sung a couple of tunes really badly, she sang some really good, and we spoke for the rest of the night over the other people there singing.  The night ended, we walked to my car and me being nervous, I didn’t know what to say.  We exchanged phone numbers and I started to get into the car very slowly as I didn’t really want to leave, luckily she was also waiting for me to say/do something.  I asked if she wanted me to walk her home, so I did (we literally just crossed the road).  We walked hand in hand.  I still remember her touch! We walked up the stairs to her unit where we kissed for the first time. OK, well she kissed, I was like a flat board with lips that didn’t move….. A great first impression I know :S  We said good night and I said I would call her tomorrow.

The next day I got to work and told my colleagues what happened and they were excited for me.  Now I had planned on calling her at 11, a nice round time I thought.  I received a call at 10:45!  We arranged to go to dinner and see a movie.  Meeting at Martin Place, near Barrick Street, we headed down to the Retro Cafe at the State Theatre.  Had dinner then headed to the cinemas where we saw ‘Moulin Rouge’.  After the movie we went for a walk through Darling Harbour.  We were acting like two ‘kids’ falling in love.  We learnt more about each other, then I invited her to a friend’s anniversary party on the weekend, she invited me to her Niece’s birthday party with her family.

We headed back to my place where she met my parents, then I drove her home. On Saturday, I picked her up early and we headed to her parents where I met them.  Later in the day I met the rest of her family at her Niece’s birthday party.  On Sunday, we went to my family friends wedding anniversary.  I knew by Sunday she was the one and I muttered those 3 little word.. ‘I Love You’ and she returned them (sitting on my friends back verandah with a great view of the city).

Three months later on the October long weekend (the night of the NRL Grand Final.. I remember the fireworks), I asked Tia the question at a small park just under the Gladesville Bridge and just over a year later we tied the knot!

Our first communication was 11 years ago, but last June was the 10th Anniversary of us actually meeting face to face!  Next year we will celebrate our 10th Wedding Anniversary.

Since we met we have been inseparable!  And it will be that way forever!

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