Day 401 – Starting Early – Vegetable Garden

Tomorrow is 400. I’ll explain the countdown tomorrow..

I went to see “The House with a Clock in Its Walls” with the family, in-law’s and sister-in-law and co.  The movie was enjoyable, probably a watch only once movie for me though.

The wife made a call when we got back to the car to a nursery that wasn’t too far away to see if any Venus Fly Traps were in stock.  Their first delivery was yesterday! We were told a couple of weeks ago that they can’t be imported, and as there are very few growers, they are hard to get.  We were also told that nurseries get their first delivery around October.  As they were in stock, we headed past there to pick up a couple.

While we were there, they had a 5 for $10 deal on some vegetable plants, so we picked up a couple of strawberry plants, a couple of cocktail tomato plants and a yellow cherry tomato plant.  I had planned on planting the vegetable garden next week on my week off, but as we were there and they were on sale, we started early.

When we got home, we checked the soil in the vegetable garden, mixed it, watered it, then planted the new plants we just bought.  After looking at the garden, it looked a little bare, so we headed to Bunnings and picked up some more plants. We picked up up some Celery, ‘CuteCumber’, Zucchini and a combination Lettuce plant. And a packet of Kale seeds.

The wife picked up some herbs (and another succulent as well).

Fingers crossed the garden grows strong!


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